what is a doula?
As your doula I will be your support and guide through this incredibly amazing and oftentimes confusing journey. I will be a coach and advocate for you and your partner through the pregnancy, while you’re giving birth, and in your early postpartum period. Prior to your delivery we will meet so that you have an understanding of birth terminology, what advocating for yourself may look like, partner support, pain management, stages of labor. We’ll talk through labor and delivery preferences, and make sure you are confident in knowing the kind of delivery you are hoping to have. When in labor, I will be by your side whenever you need me to best support you. I’ll help you with comfort measures, positions to make sure the baby is where they should be, and all of the loving encouragement and support to remind you that you can do this!
As your postpartum period consultant and coach, I will offer emotional support and guidance as-needed. I will provide evidence-based information on things such as infant feeding, lactation support, emotional and physical recovery from birth for the mother, and basic newborn care. I will safeguard the 4th trimester experience for the mother, ensuring that her needs are met and her recovery is supported. This can include ideas for nourishing postpartum meals, physical recovery support such as sitz baths or vaginal steaming, navigating newborn care, babywearing, lactation support, referrals, and lots of talk about “is this normal?!”